A Reasonable Man ****Inside Out review
A white South African lawyer in his premier attempt
as writer/director/actor has succeeded where many a
veteran filmmaker has failed. Without being
patronising, he attempts to understand the validity of
Zulu village superstition, within the context of a capital
murder case.
Gavin Hood has based his courtroom drama on the
famous trial of a herdsman who was accused of
killing a one-year-old child, believing it to be an evil
spirit. He has updated the story to involve aspects of
the democratic rainbow nation, in which black
advocates are quick to take offense and old fogeys,
such as the judge (Nigel Hawthorne at his prickly
best), still remain as upholders of another kind of
Hood plays the defense attorney who becomes
embroiled in the affair from the beginning and slowly
is sucked into a world of witchcraft and magic
potions. Far from being the pastiche of a
voodoo-style horror flick, this is intelligent, wonderfully
acted by the African cast and genuinely absorbing.
Review © 1999 Inside Out.
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