By Roger Ebert, The Chicago Sun Times
The best of the Disney animated features were not innocent
children's entertainments, but blood-curdling stories of doom
and obsession (with a few smiles along the way, of course).
They only looked innocent because they were cartoons. Reflect
for a moment on the Island of Lost Boys in ``Pinocchio,'' or what
happened to Bambi's mother. The great Disney cartoons
contained all of the fearsome possibilities of the Grimm fairy
tales - or, for that matter, of life itself. Only in recent years have
the Disney feature cartoons grown pale and innocuous, as part of
the general delusion that harmless means colorless.
Now comes a new Disney animated film in the old tradition.
``The Black Cauldron'' is a rip-roaring tale of swords and
sorcery, evil and revenge, magic and pluck and luck. It tells the
story of a search for a magic cauldron that can, if it falls into the
hands of the evil Horned King, be used as a bottomless source
of evil. And it takes us on a journey through a kingdom of some
of the more memorable characters in any recent Disney film.
There is, for example, Hen Wen, the psychic pig. She can look
into a pot of water and picture there the current location of the
black cauldron. That makes her invaluable to the Horned King -
and also to Taran, the young man who dreams of someday
becoming a great warrior.
``The Black Cauldron'' is a quest movie, telling the story of
Taran's progress toward manhood, his journey through the
kingdom, and his race against the Horned King for possession of
the cauldron.
All of this could, of course, look very silly. Stories like this
have to be told with complete conviction or they lose their
passion. What surprised me, as I sat through ``The Black
Cauldron,'' was how quickly the story did absorb me. Instead of
thinking deep thoughts about the past and future of Disney
animation, I was caught up in the movie, amused by some of the
characters, and sort of excited by the sky-splitting conclusion.
The story was so involving, indeed, that at one moment an
allegedly mature adult in the audience leaned over to me and
whispered, ``But, Rog . . . if the pig is really psychic, how come
they can't just find out where the cauldron is, and get there
before the king?'' A good point, but a better point is this one:
How long has it been since anyone took a Disney cartoon that
The key to the movie is in the richness of the characterizations,
and the two best characters, I think, are the Horned King (with
voice by John Hurt), and a fuzzy little creature named Gurgi
(voice by John Byner). Gurgi is a slavishly devoted little
yes-man who gurgles with appreciation for everything done by
anyone within earshot who is stronger than he is.
The main character, the young knight Taran, is not one of the
stronger characters in the movie, but maybe that's to be
expected. His thankless task is to be brave and noble, and those
are not fascinating aspects of character - particularly not when
contrasted to all the other weird characters in the movie.
The story is based on material I'm not familiar with, The
Chronicles of Prydain series, by Lloyd Alexander. But some of
the visuals look familiar, particularly Taran's magic sword,
which seem borrowed from the laser swords in ``Star Wars,''
and the final apocalyptic conclusion, where the special effects
fireworks look like the end of ``Raiders of the Lost Ark.'' The
movie uses this borrowed material with such energy, however,
that it earns its right to it. By the end of ``The Black Cauldron'' I
was remembering, with something of a shock of nostalgia, the
strength and utter storytelling conviction of the early Disney
animators. ``The Black Cauldron'' is a return to the tradition.
Review © 1985 Chicago Sun Times. All Rights Reserved.